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Denomination can be defined as religious division caused by false teaching, so the case could be made that its origin traces back to the beginning of creation, with the account of Cain and Abel. Abel followed correct doctrine with his sacrifice, as God ‘respected’ it, whereas Cain chose to alter whatever instructions God had issued on the subject, choosing instead a different doctrine or ‘denomination’, and offering a sacrifice which God did not ‘respect’, one in which God had not ordained. (Genesis 4:3-5)

Most denominations today attempt to follow some things taught or practiced by Jesus and His apostles. But these have been added to or modified to fit human ideas. We see this practice exhibited, even in the Old Testament. Israel “feared the Lord” (seemingly giving God some worship), yet they also served other gods, according to the nations around them (2 Kings 17:32-33). Mixing truth with non-truth makes discernment of God’s desired worship much more difficult, and “worshipping in vain” much more of a danger. (Matthew 15:9).

This book is volume 1 of a five-part series. It begins with a study of denominationalism, followed by information on the church established by Christ, as described in Scripture, a nondenominational body called the church of Christ. The balance of this volume will be devoted to examining the Roman Catholic Church.

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