Having earned his B.S. degree from Ohio State University in Business Administration, John had just begun a career in that vocation when he met Charlene, whom he soon married in the Spring of ‘74. John, a lifelong Lutheran, and Charlene, a member of the church of Christ had some decisions to make concerning church affiliation.
After attending both congregations and studying the Scriptures for a good two years, John realized he needed to make a change. For one thing, he realized he was not saved by being baptized as an infant in his denomination. Instead, the Scriptures spoke of a different plan, where he had to be old enough to understand what he was doing – to believe, repent, confess, and then to be immersed/baptized, to be forgiven of sin. It made so much more sense.
Again, led more by his dear wife, who, looking back was just following Peter’s words, reaching him with an “incorruptible beauty of a gentile and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:1-4) as she encouraged him to seek God’s truth through His Word.
Following his obedience to the Gospel, John developed a passion for writing, and not surprisingly, his extensive studies and denominational background have given him a unique perspective to author five volumes on “Denominations: From God Or Man?”